Wednesday, November 14, 2018

ODJFS appeals: Do they even read?

Anybody else have trouble getting the Ohio Unemployment Insurance people to give you credit for completing the required Career Profile (at And then try to answer their determination but have it rejected; and, then appeal it but again have their original decision affirmed?


I did complete it -- long before the deadline. I keep telling them that. They don't believe me.

They just keep saying I didn't complete it by the deadline and didn't provide a reason for not doing so. I am beginning to think they have some idiot who can't read (or won't be bothered to try). Just clicks the default button of REJECT. Maybe selects all 100 or 1,000 in the inbox and does a mass rejection.

Ugh. Incompetence. That person should lose their job and let some of us have her/his job ... and health insurance ... and other benefits. Unless they are a temporary. I worked as a temp for and they don't get benefits.

Anyhow ...

I'm about to write a letter to the Ohio Governor and Attorney General and the director of ODJFS, & the Unemployment Insurance group within ODJFS.

I'm going to share my evidence/exhibits here online so they can more easily find them. Besides that, the Appeal website isn't letting me upload my screenshots that show I finished the Career Profile long before it was due. I had to fax it to them (wasting money at Kinko's). Sigh.

Eventually, I will give you tips on how to avoid this problem that has you lose at least a week's worth of money forever.

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